
  • Mousse of Apricots
  • Strawberry Jelly
  • Crab Salad
  • Nectarine Sabayon
  • Goose with Pear Stuffing
  • Peach Gratin

Mousse of apriocots, ricotta and amaretti biscuits


  • 8 Apricots
  • 400 g Ricotta
  • 12 Amaretti biscuits
  • 1/2 Vanilla pod
  • 5 TS barley juice
  • Decoration: 30 g pistachio flakes


Wash apricots then dice and mix them with barley juice and vanilla pod until a creamy mixture is produced. Crumble the amaretti biscuits.
Whisk the ricotta and put layers of ricotta and amaretti in 4 cups.
Finally cover with the apricot mousse and sprinkle on pistachio. Place cups in the fridge for 1 hour and serve.

Strawberry jelly with sorbet


  • 500 g strawberries
  • 40 g fructose
  • 5 gelatine sheets
  • Half lemon juice
  • Strawberry sorbet
  • Fresh mint


in a blender mix 500g fresh strawberries with fructose (or sugar).
Strain the purée and remove the seeds. Soak gelatine sheets in cold water. Dran and place them in a pan with the lemon juice. Dissolve on low heat and add strawberry purée.
Pour the mixture into 6 bowls and allow to cool in fridge for approximately 2 hours.
Serve with a scoop of strawberry sorbet and garnish with mint leaves.

Crab salad with kiwi-fruit


  • 3 kiwi-fruits
  • 40 g fructose (or 60 g sugar)
  • 1 granny smith apple
  • 2 avocados
  • 125 g crab meat
  • 3 spoons of mayonnaise
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper


Peel kiwi-fruit and cut into slices apple and avocados.
Pour lemon juice and mayonnaise into a bowl.
Drain crab meat and add to bowl, season with salt and pepper and mix.
Serve on plates, alternating the kiwi-fruit, apple and avocado slices with the crab mixture. Add more pepper between the layers as you wish. Serve chilled.

Nectarine Sabayon


  • 6 nectarines
  • 1 pkg of vanilla sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 25 cl sweet wine
  • 100 g sugar
  • 30 g butter
  • Flaked almonds


Wash nectarines, dry, remove stones and dice. Melt butter in a pan together with vanilla sugar. Add peach pieces and sauté until golden brown.
Sabayon preparation: beat eggs and sugar in a pot until foamy. Mixture is produced. Add wine and cook as a bain-marie, stirring constantly.
Divide peaches between bowls, pour the warm sabayon over them and garnish with flaked almonds.

Goose with pear stuffing


  • 1 goose of about 3 or 3,5 kg
  • 1 lemon, 1 orange, 1 red apple, 1 green apple, 1 pear
  • 6 spoons peanuts oil
  • 1 grape
  • Salt, pepper
  • 1 spoon honey
  • 50 g butter


peel apples and pears, remove seeds and dice. Melt butter in a pan and add fruit, sauté for 10 minutes. Season with salt, pepper. Add honey. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Wash one orange and a lemon, grate the zest. Stuff the goose with the mixture, truss, brush with peanuts oil and bake for 2 hours. After one hour lower the temperature to 150°C.
Wash grapes and slice the orange. Serve the goose surrounded by the fruits and the lemon and orange zest.

Peach gratin


  • 4 white pulp peaches
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 50 g sugar
  • 2 dl white wine


Whisk egg yolks together with sugar and white wine. Place peeled sliced peaches in four small oven-proof bowls. Cover peaches with the egg mixture. Sprinkle with sugar and place bowls in the oven under the grill for few minutes until golden brown. Serve hot. Tips: you can use also red fruits and Grand Marnier can replace white wine.


Ceccarelli Giulio srl
via della Frasca, 7
47020 Longiano (FC) - Italy
Tel. +39 0547 53055 - Fax +39 0547 59352 -
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